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Client Experience Survey

Your answers will help us improve the care we provide. Participation is optional, and all your responses are anonymous. Thank you for your time!

Thinking about your experiences with us based on your most recent appointment...

Please select the type of Provider your appointment was with:
Please enter number of days
During your visit did we…
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Involve you as much as you want to be in decisions about your care and treatment *
Treat you with respect *
Communicate in a way you understood *
Take your cultural values into account *
Make you feel comfortable and welcome *
Give you an opportunity to ask questions *
Spend enough time with you *
Give you a clear treatment plan *
Prevent you from going to the Hospital Emergency *
Provide you with an appropriate level of privacy and confidentiality *
Was the location of your appointment easy to find?
Could you describe the challenge to us?
Please select what type of appointment you had:
If given a choice for the format of your next appointment would you choose:

Thank you for helping Rapids Family Health Team continually improve the care we provide to our Community.
